Weight Loss Misconceptions

Before embarking on a weight loss journey it’s normal to experience some slight hesitation, as there’s no doubt the prospect of undergoing a dieting phase can feel a bit daunting.

The reason for this could perhaps be that eating in a calorie surplus or at maintenance has so many perks, therefore it’s assumed being in an energy deficit will ONLY come with cons.

It is certainly true that being in a well-fed state can majorly assist with training performance, the ability to build muscle mass, as well as overall health status and quality of life (to an extent). However, we’re here to clear the air and clarify that once someone chooses to enter into an energy deficit, all of these factors will NOT immediately suffer.

If someone’s overarching goal is to lose bodyweight from body fat, it does not mean that they are guaranteed to experience:

▪️Weakness in the gym
▪️The loss of hard-earned muscle
▪️The incorporation of strenuous cardio protocols
▪️Uncomfortable and constant hunger

There are many strategies that can be put in place to mitigates these effects, and ensure that someone has a very productive and successful weight loss journey!

To achieve this, it’s important to try your best to set yourself up for success from the get-go! This can help to ensure you’re entering into a dieting phase with a strategic and realistic plan, as well as a strong mindset and great “launching pad”. As coaches, we generally encourage this “starting point” to involve:

▪️Beginning a diet in a position of high energy availability and low food focus
▪️To not have dieted recently in the past ~4 + months
▪️To be following a structured resistance training program that you enjoy and can progress with
▪️Have set performance targets on your program that you aim to achieve each session
▪️Stay relatively active during the day through steps and NEAT, and prioritise good quality sleep
▪️Follow a set dietary plan that has you eating at regular time-intervals from satiating and nourishing foods
▪️Maintain a level-headed and strong mindset throughout. Stay focused on your goals and surround yourself with others who encourage and uplift you