Tracking Macros vs Meal Plans vs Intuitive Eating

There is no right or wrong.

Whether it be tracking your macros, following a meal plan, or intuitively eating in line with your hunger and satiation cues, the way you decide to eat is a personal choice.

For whichever dietary approach you choose, bear in mind that the same principles still apply if your goals involve building muscle mass and/or losing body fat.

Whether you’re in the know of your exact intake/output of daily calories, the human body will always respond in accordance with energy balance. Therefore, if you’re determined to build muscle mass it’s important that you’re in a controlled and consistent calorie surplus. Likewise, if you’re determined to lose body fat, it’s important that you’re in a controlled and consistent calorie deficit.

Regardless of which dietary tactic you choose, there are a few nutritional fundamentals we encourage you to accomplish which include:

▪️ Consume a micronutrient-rich diet with sufficient dietary fibre from a wide variety of plant sources
▪️ Consume 3-5 x 20-40g servings of HBV protein and evenly distribute these throughout the day
▪️ Stay well hydrated
▪️ If you have performance-related goals, it’s recommended that you bias calories from complex-carbohydrate sources rather than high-fat sources

Let us know, what is your preferred dietary approach in the pursuit to change your body composition?