Top 6 Creatine Rich Foods For Strength & Size

Should you take a food-first approach for creatine?
Probably not.
As dietitians, we are often strong advocates for taking a food-first approach before resorting to supplementation. However, in some circumstances there are exceptions to the standard dietary recommendations, and creatine is a classic example.
But why?
Well, to be frank, attempting to consume 5g of creatine through food is simply impractical. For example, as this illustration highlights you would need to consume 200 cups of milk or 1.1kg of salmon to meet a 5g creatine quota.
To put these numbers in perspective, this would equate to:
1.1kg salmon = 231g protein, 184g fat, 2500 calories, $46
200 cups of milk = 1700g protein, 700g fat, 2460g carbs, 23200 calories, 50 litres of fluid, $300
5g creatine powder = 0g protein/carbs/fat, 0 calories, 22 cents
Not only is consuming creatine powder far more practical, cost effective, time efficient, digestible, calorie-savvy, AND avoids the risk of hypernatremia, but itโ€™s also more bioavailable too. This is because creatine is heat sensitive, and most animal products listed above would be eaten cooked, not raw. Therefore, shotting your 5g of daily creatine powder with a swig of fluid is the best way to go if you want it to provide the health and performance benefits youโ€™re ultimately after.
In saying that, why are we recommending creatine supplementation in the first place?
Because when it comes to A-listed supplements, creatine is top of the list.
Creatine is one of the most researched and evidence-based ergogenic aids on the market, and a multitude of studies have shown it can increase strength, power, and lean muscle mass in a range of different athletes across various sporting modalities. Also, creatine can positively influence cognition, including short-term memory and reasoning, and combat athletes who routinely supplement have been shown to have lower rates of TBIs.
Let us know in the comments below, do you supplement with creatine on the daily?