Why Progress Is Not Always Linear

Motivation tends to be at an all-time high during the initial stages of goal setting, and it’s normal to have high aspirations to achieve what we want in the most efficient way possible. However, the truth of the matter is that 99% of the time things won’t go as “perfectly” planned, and it’s usually these unexpected roadblocks that cause individuals to veer off track and lose all sight and hope for their goals completely.

To ultimately avoid this “crash and burn”, what if we accepted that roadblocks would be inevitable right from the get-go? This way we could acknowledge that life IS going to happen at some point or another and that plateaus are normal, and we can set ourselves up for long-term success by being prepared for challenges that will come our way and having a game plan in place to tackle them!

If you’re open to recognising and accepting that great things in life don’t come easy and the path to success won’t be smooth sailing, then you’ll be more likely to achieve your long-term goals! Plus this isn’t just related to physical health and fitness, whereas this can be applied to your mental health, education, finances, relationships, career, and the like!

Our best advice is to focus on general trends overtime to ensure you’re heading in the right direction, and depending on your personal goals this could hypothetically entail:
- Focusing on your weekly and monthly average body weight trends, rather than singular daily weigh-ins
- Focus on strength progression across months and mesocycles, rather than singular training sessions
- Focus on progressively raising your university GPA each semester, rather than dwelling on your below average mark in biochemistry
- Focus on saving money over time rather than worrying about having to pay one unexpectedly large bill
- Focus on the five good days you’ve had this week rather than the two mediocre ones
- Focus on how often you and your partner laugh rather than the rare occasion you bicker

Make your expectations match reality from the get-go and we guarantee you’ll be happier, less stressed, and more successful in achieving what you want in life!