Recovery Nutrition - What To Eat After A Workout

By now you’ve probably been told that it’s a relatively smart idea to eat something after you lift weights. But the question is why? And what type of food? And how long after working out?

As illustrated by the infographic above, we’ve done our best to shed light on the answers to these questions

Why: As enjoyable as it may be, resistance training and engaging in moderate to high intensity exercise is a stressor on the body, which can cause acute damage to cells and tissues. Exercise also heavily relies upon the body’s pre-stored substrates as an energy source, thus leaving us in a more “depleted” state afterward. Therefore, consuming nutrients post-workout can help our bodily tissues recover and replenish and repair to be slightly stronger and more robust the next time we engage in a similar workout.

What: The nutrients that are of utmost importance during the post-workout period come from carbohydrates, protein, and hydrating sources. In terms of portion sizes, carbohydrate amounts should be individualised depending on your daily energy requirements. However, if consuming >60g of carbs within your post-workout meal, aim to consume a variety of glucose and fructose sources (e.g. oats with fruit, bread with jam, rice with sauce) as we can only absorb 60g glucose and 30g fructose per hour. For protein, aim to consume 0.4-0.55g/kg from an HBV protein source, and replace fluids by 1.5 x the estimated amount lost during exercise. Take note that while not a top priority, dietary fat is fine to consume, and it won’t drastically slow down your digestion or impair your ability to absorb carbs and protein. In fact, consuming a mixed meal with fat can often be advantageous, nourishing and satiating! Also, fruit and vegetables are always a bonus!

When: It turns out that the “30-minute post-workout anabolic window” is a myth. Rather, as long as you consume your pre- and post-workout meal within 4-6 hours of one another you’re in the clear for adequately fuelling and re-fuelling. This is great news and means that you don’t need to skull a protein shake in the locker room immediately after you finish your last set of bicep curls to confirm your gains!