Your ability to pose is the most important method of showcasing those countless weeks of dieting and training!

Posing is a critical, yet often underestimated aspect of competing, and allows you to showcase your hard work on show day. As a physique athlete, you could match the criteria perfectly for your particular category. However, if the judges cannot see the entirety of your physique, you will not be maximising your potential. An example of this for a bodybuilder could be the rear double bicep pose. The competitor may have an excellent connection with his upper body, yet fail to ‘turn on’ his lower body.

Posing lessons will be incorporated as part of the competition preparation package, or can be purchased separately. It is our goal to help you master the skill of posing and make you stand out on stage. All posing lessons will be delivered in an online format via live video call between you and one of our coaches.

What to expect from your posing lessons:

  • Learn the correct style of posing for your category and federation

  • Transitions - learn to implement transitions between each individual pose

  • Endurance - learn to hold each pose effortlessly for an extended period

  • Stage presence - stand out from your fellow competitors