Stop Relying On Shortcuts

We know that nutrition and exercise are the two pillars for achieving your health and fitness goals. However, unfortunately it seems as though people will spend more time, money, and effort investing in “quick fixes”, rather than committing themselves to nailing the fundamentals which we CONFIDENTLY know lead to long-term results.

In today’s age of social media there are more products and services being marketed as a shortcut. We’ve all seen them, whether it be “quick fix” detoxes, diets, supplements, training programs, or skinny teas. Unfortunately, the truth is there is not always a quick solution to your health and fitness goals that is also sustainable and does not compromise your health. For example, even if all variables are optimised, we can only gain muscle or lose fat at a certain rate.

The primary issue with these ‘shortcuts’ is that they don’t factor in sustainability:
- How do you keep the weight off after following a ketogenic diet plan?
- How can you minimize nutritional deficiencies after following a juice cleanse?
- Can you recover from and progress with a generic training program?
- Can you financially afford a large supplement stack, which may not even be evidence-based and safe to use long-term?

Ultimately, we know all that shines is not gold… and while “quick fixes” might be marketed to have promising results and seem like a more enjoyable route to achieving your goals than diet and exercise… they’re just going to hold you back even further in the long run. Therefore, accept that there’s no beating around the bush, no matter how much money or liking for tea you have.

Nothing will ever trump a healthful dietary pattern and regular exercise which compliments your specific goals. Also, while this lifestyle requires long-term commitment and won’t guarantee immediate results… recognise that the time is going to go by anyway! Therefore, you might as well invest your time, effort, and money into something that will ACTUALLY get you the results you want! Plus, achieving something always feels better when you know you’ve worked for it!