Short vs Long Bodybuilding Competition Preps - The Pros & Cons

It’s not advised that you step on stage looking like a tortoise… however, taking a slow and steady approach to your comp prep could result in a more successful and enjoyable journey overall!

As the sport of bodybuilding evolves, the standard of competition continues to rise year after year, as does the talent pool. Therefore, with more competitive athletes comes the demand for more strategic, methodical, and evidence-based protocols that can provide a competitive-edge to come out victorious.

In recent years we have seen a shift in the bodybuilding industry - longer preps of 20 + weeks are becoming more widely promoted than their original 8-12 weeks counterparts. This is with good reason, as stepping on a bodybuilding stage is no small feat and it’s certainly not a process that is pleasant to rush. However, it’s not all “pros” for longer preps and “cons” for shorter, but rather this infographic illustrates that there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

While we are strong advocates for planning well-ahead and allocating sufficient time to a comp prep journey, we appreciate that context is key, and there will always be exceptions to the rule. However, regardless of the timeline, there are a few critical boxes that we like to tick as coaches to ensure athletes have the most successful and enjoyable journey possible:

▪️Achieve the conditioning and presentation required for selected category
▪️Maximise lean mass retention
▪️Avoid micronutrient deficiencies
▪️Maintain training performance
▪️Manage and minimise food focus
▪️Manage energy availability
▪️Manage circadian rhythm and quality of sleep
▪️Have a support network
▪️Allocate sufficient time to learn the skill of posing
▪️Have a thorough plan post-show
▪️Enjoy your experience enough that you would consider doing it again!

Let us know, what have you found to be your “sweet spot” when it comes allocating weeks to prep for a show?