Maturing As A Physique Athlete - Pro Vs Amateur

The Mindset & Behaviours Of Physique Competitors Depends On Their Maturity Level As Athletes
Less Mature:
▪️View themselves as a victim of the process, not a volunteer
▪️Resistant to experience discomfort and truly work hard
▪️Constantly attempt to make dieting easier with “hacks”, which just makes it harder —> high volume/artificial foods causing food focus, skewed scale weight & physique data
▪️Paint comp prep in a gruelling light —> only talks about the tough aspects
▪️Speak of prep like a pessimist, not an optimist
▪️Give off the impression on social media that they’re constantly struggling —> skull face emojis, endless talking about hunger/low energy & feeling weak
▪️Everything on their plan is vocalised as a “have to”, not a “get to” or a “choose to”
▪️Fantasises about what they’re going to eat post-show more than fantasising about the show itself
▪️Has an “all or nothing” attitude and approach when it comes to comp prep vs the improvement season
▪️Hesitant and in denial to accept constructive feedback at the cost of hurting their ego.
▪️Is yet to understand this sport is a marathon, not a sprint.
▪️Appreciates, respects, and enjoys the process of prep
▪️Recognises that competitive physiques are built in the improvement season and REVEALED in prep.
▪️Happily does the work required to achieve the end result
▪️Has built the skill of dieting and can stay level-headed, make rationale choices to reduce decision fatigue, and embraces hunger without complaints
▪️Doesn’t let low calories stop them from applying ample intensity, execution, and focus in their training sessions
▪️Deliberately practices, refines, and studies the art of posing during their improvement seasons & comp preps. Never settles for “good enough”
▪️Is a student of the sport who is willing to ask questions, learn, and be humbly taught lessons.
▪️Uses social media for creation and connection - not comparison
▪️Accepts compliments, but equally accepts constructive feedback
▪️Has a burning desire to improve and isn’t afraid of experiencing failure, defeat, and make mistakes
▪️Understands that regardless of individual effort invested, the best physique athlete on the day deserves to win.