How To Perfect Your Progress Photos

Regardless of the end goal, every health and fitness journey should have one thing in common – tracking progress!

Bear in mind that tracking and making progress can mean different things to different people. It might involve building strength in the gym, improving your relationship with food, or implementing time-management strategies to reduce stress. However, for most individuals an element of tracking progress will involve taking progress photos – because it’s incredibly motivating to SEE that your hard work is paying off!

When it comes to taking progress photos, set yourself up for success from the get-go by following the steps in the infographic above. This way, when you and/or your coach make photo comparisons, you can confidently say that YOU changed – not the lighting, clothing, angle, location, or camera quality changed!

For time efficiency purposes, consider taking a progress VIDEO instead of progress photos! Simply set yourself and your camera up using the steps above and record yourself performing your static poses. Then, take screen shots from the video and VOILÀ, you have progress photos! This is arguably the best hack which allows you to say GOOOOOOD BYE to running around and being pressured by 10 second self-timers!