There's No Such Thing As "Good" Foods And "Bad" Foods

We encourage you to remove the diet goggles and see nutrition in a different light

Rather than justifying your dietary choices based off preconceived notions of “good and bad”, “healthy and unhealthy”, “right and wrong” food labels, instead we encourage you to take a good look at what’s on your plate.

- Does your meal contain a variety of ingredients from different food groups?
- Does your meal have colour?
- Will the meal satiate and energise you? Will it promote good digestion?
- Will you enjoy the taste of your meal?

Take this burger for example. At first glance you may view it through a one-dimensional view and think “burgers are unhealthy”. However, when you widen your scope you can see that the variety of ingredients included are actually pretty darn nutrient-rich, thus making it a well-balanced meal!

Let us know, have you ever seen food as solely “good” and “bad”? How did you break free of this thinking?